
Monday 4 January 2016

Cara Upload file/script phising ke Hosting 2016

pilih dahulu hosting yang anda suka

  • 10.000 MB disk space 
  • Bandwidth limit 100,000 MB/month. 
  • cPanel control panel, Fantastico. 
  • MySQL 5 Databases Server. 
  • Addon domains. 
  • Web File Manager. 
  • POP3 email, IMAP, WebMail Access (RoundCube, SquirellMail), Mail forwarding. 
  • Custom Cron jobs support. 
  • Customisable Error Pages. 
  • Parked domain names allowed. 
  • Weekly backups. 
  • .htaccess suppo


  • Web SSH console. 
  • Hotlinking protection. 
  • Free website builder and publisher with profesional web design templates. 
  • ionCube Loaders. 
  • Zend Optimizer. 
  • SpamAssasin Protection. 
  • Password protected directories. 
  • IP address deny Manager. 
  • FreeHosting on Dual Quad Processor Performance Linux Servers. 
  • No Ads and allowed your ads

  • 1500 MB disk space 
  • 100.000 Megabytes of bandwidth 
  • 5 Add-on Domain 
  • 5 Sub Domain 
  • 5 E-mail Addres 
  • 2 MySQL Database 
  • Simple site builder 
  • Backup 
  • FTP Accounts 
  • 300 MB disk space 
  • 10.000 Megabytes of bandwidth 
  • 5 Add-on domains 
  • 5 Sub domains 
  • PHP with MySQL databases 
  • PHP Flags manager 
  • FTP account 
  • File manager 
  • Webmail, POP3 email 
  • MYSQL, Php MyAdmin 

  • 11.000 Megabytes of space 
  • 400.000 Megabytes of bandwidth 
  • 100 Ad-on Domain 
  • 100 Sub-Domain 
  • No Advertisements, Banners, or Pop-ups 
  • Free FTP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin 
  • New! Free Website Builder! 
5,500 Megabytes of space
200,000 Megabytes of bandwidth
50 Free Add-on / parked domains
50 Free Sub domains
50 Free MySQL databases
.htaccess allowed
Safe mode OFF
Free PHP Sockets & cURL enabled
Free phpMyAdmin
Free PHP 5
Free Slow MySQL query analyzer
Free PHP scripting supported
Free FTP account
Free 24/7/365 Technical support
Free File manager
Free Email accounts
Free RoundCube webmail
Free POP + IMAP email
Free Custom MX records
Free Custom CNAME records
Free Traffic, disk & MySQL statistics
Free Fantastico type installer
Free Network tools
Free video tutorials

    saya memakai hosting nazuka.net karena:

    UPDATE: Footer link removed for all accounts!
    From now, NAZUKA.NET has new owners & staff. We are trying to improve the quality of this service.
    The new features included are:
    New more features coming soon!
    Thanks for your confidence,
    NAZUKA.NET Team.

    silakan daftar  ke hosting favorit anda dan konfirmasi email anda...(biasanya tunggu 30 menit untuk di approve sama admin)

    ~~~~~tutorial upload file ke hosting:~~~~~~

    1.login dulu ke hosting pilihan anda

    2. setelah login klik cpanel dan pilih domain yang akan diupload filenya

    3. cari "file manager"

    4. silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

    5. sebelang kiri untuk file upload satu persatu, yang kanan untuk upload dalam bentuk .rar atau .zip

    silakan cek domain anda...

    sumber : ilmukudankamu.blogspot.co.id

    thanks sudah mengunjungi blog saya .. jangan lupa mengunjungi lagi :D


    1. kok malah ke mercusuar?

    2. I would not purchase web hosting services from a company who does not offer at least a 30 day money back guarantee, unless they have proven themselves to be a leader in the industry and have an excellent reputation. ssd web hosting in Bangladesh
